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MAC Download Click here to download the Shadowbane client and launcher bundle ZIP file. (If you have played Shadowbane Emulator recently, you don't need to download a new client. Shadowbane Announces Relaunch! Posted by Malant on 04-14-20 7:25:49 AM. Check out www.shadowbane.com for information on the re-launched game by Changyu. We look forward to seeing the game continue on and are here to support the community as this next chapter starts! Magicbane uses a new Shadowbane launcher to ensure you no longer need to manually edit the ArcaneIP.cfg and always have the most up-to-date version of the game. Ensure you've registered on our Forums and confirmed your registration via e-mail. Once you have an account, download our launcher here. Place the launcher inside the main Shadowbane. EQInterface downloads Archive Archived EQ Mac Interfaces: Drakah's Shadowbane UI Skin (Mac) User Name: Remember Me? Password: Category: Archived EQ Mac Interfaces Drakah's Shadowbane UI Skin (Mac) Interface Information: Name: Drakah's Shadowbane UI Skin (Mac) Author: Lianfyrr More interfaces by Lianfyrr Date: 07:48 PM: Size: 1. How to play shadowbane. Shadowbane was a free fantasy role-playing video game (MMORPG) created by Wolfpack Studios and published on March 25, 2003 by Ubisoft for Windows and Mac platforms. Originally commercial and subscription-driven, Shadowbane was launched in March 2003, and was the creation of text-MUD veterans J. Todd Coleman, James Nance, Josef Hall, Patrick.